MRD Talks promote dialogue between science, practice, the private sector, and policy based on recently published MRD articles on topical issues relevant to sustainable mountain development. In doing so, they trigger exchange among mountain stakeholders and out-of-the-box thinking with a view to nurturing innovative and effective development and policy efforts. The target audience comprises policymakers, scientists, civil-society representatives, development specialists, private-sector actors, and other practitioners (including providers of innovations) working in relevant fields for sustainable development in mountains around the world. MRD Talks take place online to allow a worldwide audience to participate. Authors or guest editors present key insights and conclude with recommendations for practice and policy. Invited discussants contribute innovative perspectives and reflect on the applicability of the presented findings. The audience is encouraged to actively contribute to the dialogue. MRD Talks are recorded and offered as free downloads. They are held in English.
About MRD Talks
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Vienna Programme Office – Secretariat of the Carpathian ConventionVienna, Austria
UNEP is the leading partner of the PRIMA project.
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of BernBern, Switzerland
CDE is implementation partner of PRIMA and hosts the MRD Editorial Office.
Austrian Development CooperationVienna, Austria
Austrian Development Cooperation funds the PRIMA project.