Conserving and restoring mountain landscape functions is an important focus of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030. MRD Talk #06 contributed to this global effort and to this year’s International Mountain Day by presenting experiences of how different types of knowledge can support evidence-informed restoration of mountain landscapes for resilient mountain communities. Panelists and participants jointly explored how knowledge can be leveraged to recover degraded or destroyed ecosystems and to conserve intact ecosystems.
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Recent MRD Talks
How can monitoring support action and policies for sustainable futures in mountains?
Systematic observation of the social-ecological dimensions of mountain areas can help us understand the social, environmental, economic, and cultural dynamics and trends affecting mountain communities and ecosystems. This MRD Talk brought together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to learn from diverse ongoing monitoring initiatives. We jointly explored how best to set up monitoring systems and share the information generated in order to enable effective policies and action for sustainable futures in mountains.