Mountain Research and Development Journal
Photo by Rabindra Roy
Researchers are discussing precipitation and water availability to optimize the potential of sustainable land management practices in the Ethiopian highlands. Photo by Tatenda Lemann

How can knowledge support restoration and conservation of mountain ecosystems for the benefit of people and nature?

Conserving and restoring mountain landscape functions is an important focus of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030. MRD Talk #06 contributed to this global effort and to this year’s International Mountain Day by presenting experiences of how different types of knowledge can support evidence-informed restoration of mountain landscapes for resilient mountain communities. Panelists and participants jointly explored how knowledge can be leveraged to recover degraded or destroyed ecosystems and to conserve intact ecosystems.

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Research station on the Merzbacher glade in the Tien Shan mountains, Kyrgyzstan. Scientists from all over the world come here every summer to study the movements of local glaciers, the meteorological situation in the region, and Lake Merzbacher, which drains completely every summer within just a few days, exposing icebergs. Photo by Ekaterina/

How can monitoring support action and policies for sustainable futures in mountains?

Systematic observation of the social-ecological dimensions of mountain areas can help us understand the social, environmental, economic, and cultural dynamics and trends affecting mountain communities and ecosystems. This MRD Talk brought together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to learn from diverse ongoing monitoring initiatives. We jointly explored how best to set up monitoring systems and share the information generated in order to enable effective policies and action for sustainable futures in mountains.

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Ibex rarely flee when approached by hikers, leading to a common misinterpretation that the animals are undisturbed or even that it is possible to get closer than they can actually tolerate. Photo by Céline Martin

Outdoor activities: A blessing or a curse for mountain environments and societies?

Outdoor recreation and nature sports are increasingly popular worldwide. These outdoor activities can contribute greatly to livelihoods in mountain regions. However, they can also lead to habitat degradation, wildlife disturbance, and pollution, thereby harming fragile mountain ecosystems. In this MRD Talk, we explored how science, the private sector, civil society, and global initiatives can help turn the challenges brought by outdoor activities into opportunities for mountain environments and societies.

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A large share of agricultural land in Valposchiavo is organically cultivated. © Valposchiavo Turismo

How can social innovations contribute to local mountain economies? Learnings from science and practice

Limited opportunities for economic development and related depopulation trends are a common challenge faced by many mountain communities worldwide. But mountain communities are also a fertile ground for social innovations and new ways of envisioning the future. In this online dialogue, speakers presented social innovations from Switzerland, Georgia, Nepal, and Ecuador, and offered recommendations on how to best promote such innovations for the benefit of mountain economies.

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An Amazigh shepherd in the Saghro Mountains, Morocco, surveys the landscape where he spends his winters with his family and their animals. © İnanç Tekgüç

Engaging with Indigenous and local knowledge for the conservation of mountain landscapes

Working with Indigenous and local knowledge holders is crucial to conserving mountain landscapes. It can provide the systemic approaches needed to reconcile human wellbeing with nature conservation. From a decolonial perspective, it is also fundamental to creating just conservation initiatives. In this online dialogue, MRD authors discussed their findings on these issues with Indigenous representatives, practitioners, and the audience. Key takeaways include the importance of coleadership and meaningful, respectful relationships.

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Chimborazo volcano, Ecuadorian highlands. Photo by Emilie Dupuits

Climate change adaptation in mountains: How to close the gap between policies and local realities?

People living in mountain regions are among those most exposed to climate change risks. Despite major efforts to promote adaptation, gaps between policies and local responses persist and limit effective pathways toward more resilient mountain communities. In this online dialogue, speakers stressed the importance of involving local communities and using context-specific knowledge to adapt to climate change. They called for multisectoral and multilevel approaches and emphasized the need for tackling inequalities and embedding adaptation actions in a broader vision of resilient development.

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